Business services

Business services

The business services Gateway provides in the USA, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Central America and Spain are as follows:


-Agency or Representation Office. This is a commercial role that promotes sales and receives a commission on sales.


-Sales Manager or Local Manager. This professional works as a sales manager for the company and is located in the target market. This person receives a partial salary from the company, which saves costs on traveling to this area and avoids maintaining a full-time job while the market is not yet developed. It allows the client to have a constant presence in the target area while improving the business opportunity and expanding it in time.


-Importer. In many markets where Gateway Future works, there is growing opportunity for new distributors, as well as those that are already established and want to add products to their portfolio but those products are highly difficult to import, resulting in projects never taking off.
Gateway provides importation services through our subsidiary companies in the different areas we work in, making access to the market easier and taking advantage of the business opportunities.


-Distributor. With Gateway, companies can do a distribution trial in the target market without having their company established. We provide local distribution projects. We can both design them and collaborate with the manufacturer to promote the product distribution at that level. Our formula is one of the most recommended in order to realistically know what is happening in the market and begin working in another country, avoiding long periods of searching for distributors.


-Specialized Local Consultant. Our more than 15 years on the market have resulted in our team being in continuous contact with local professionals, which guarantees we carry out internationalization projects fully adapted to the target area and our client. In addition, we support our projects with up-to-date, contrasted street surveys of the target market that allow us to expedite the internationalization process, thus avoiding failed attempts, unnecessary costs and the subsequent reduction of perceived success that they would entail.